Winter 2020-2021
Session 1: December- January
Session 2: February- March
Days & Times: based on participant schedule

A group designed for children who need help with handwriting as well as children
who want to strengthen their handwriting skills. Handy Handwriter Group will combine
sensory based activities, The Handwriting Without Tears® theory and
fine motor skill development for improved handwriting.
Ages 3-10 (groups will be organized based on skill level)
If you have noticed any of the following with your child, then this group is perfect for them.
During writing tasks does your child?:
Not want to write, give up or losing motivation quickly
Become easily frustrated
Struggle with manipulating objects to match patterns/ shapes
Struggle with forming letters and shapes correctly
Lock their elbows into their side or push against their body for support while cutting or
manipulating objects -
Squirm on their chair, kneeling or standing, fall off chair
Complete table top tasks incorrectly or at a slow pace
This group will be fun and interactive. The children will engage in activities that will support their development and mastering of foundational skills needed for the task of handwriting. Handwriting Without Tears curriculum and beliefs will be incorporated.
• Gross motor and sensory play time to help “warm up” gross motor muscles
• Sensory and fine motor games to improve hand strength, finger manipulation and other underlying
components of fine motor skills
Our experienced Occupational Therapist will perform an initial assessment of each child’s writing. Children will be grouped based on age and caregiver input.
Some of the processes necessary for handwriting include:
sensory processing
sensory modulation/attention
visual perception
visual motor skills
gross motor and core strength
fine motor grasp/prehension
hand strength/manual dexterity
tool use
sequencing skills
letter recognition
core strength/seated posture
paper position
tracing and copying
Forward or backward, sloped leaning posture-
Does your fall off their chair a lot? Does your child support their head with their hand when they are writing?
Poor or abnormal pencil grip-
Does your child hold their marker likes it’s a hammer? Does your child hold their pencil like it is a feather? Does your child not want to hold a pencil?
Difficulty understanding concepts of shape, size and form-
Does your child not use the whole page when writing? Does your child use only a small portion of the page when writing? Does your child’s words run together or off the page?
Struggles to paint or draw at a level similar to classmates-
Does your child have no interest in writing or coloring? Does your child only scribble briefly?
Has increased pressure when writing, drawing or painting-
Does your child’s paint brush bristles bend/break off? Does your child break pencil points and crayons from pushing too hard?
Has decreased pressure when writing, drawing or painting-
Does your child hold their pencil very lightly? Do letters come out very light on paper?
Writing is painful, slow or looks labored-
Does your child avoid table time/writing activities?
Difficulty forming letters correctly-
Does your child form letters backwards? Does your child write too small or too large?
Difficulty copying patterns-
Does your child copy shapes in the wrong position/upside down?
Messy coloring-
Does your child have a hard time coloring within boundaries?
If you answered YES to any of the above questions, our handwriting sessions are for you!
Session Format and Sample Activities
Gross Motor Warm-up Activities
Do jumping jacks
Do crab walk
Perform push ups on floor
Chair push-ups
Seated student places hands on either side of chair next to thighs.
Straightens arms and lifts bottom off the chair
Balance on one leg with eyes closed
Walk toe-to-heel on a masking tape line on the floor
Fine Motor/Sensory Warm-up Activities
Rub hands together
Squeeze tennis balls
Rub hands in circles on the carpet
Play with Wikki Stix
Build with small Lego blocks
String small beads
Roll clay between fingers
"Walk" fingers up and down the pencil
Handwriting without Tears ® foundation teaching points:
Writing Introduction
Write on board (white or chalk) while wearing wrist weights.
Write on another student's back and have him or her guess the letter.-
Color change markers
Scented markers
Magna Doodle™
Battery-operated pens
Paint Chalk on sidewalk
Finger paint
Pudding, shaving cream
Clay tray,salt, rice, gel bags, or sand tray
Semi-independent Practice
Students write in their handwriting journal
Independent Practice
Additional Activities
Writing for a purpose (i.e., make holiday cards, cards for the ill (Joan's Monarch Wishes) or write thank-you notes)
Developmentally Appropriate
Developmentally appropriate lessons promote quick success.
It draws from years of innovation and research to provide developmentally appropriate,
The program follows research of how children learn best and includes materials that address all styles of learning.
Multisensory strategies for early writing.
Multisensory teaching addresses all learning styles.
Unique Letter Order
Innovative letter order promotes easy learning.
Physical Approach
Unique physical approach builds good writing habits